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5 Legit Ways to make Money Online

Today, an extra cash is worth having, whether you are a student who wants extra money or pocket money or a full-timer who wants to make some penny just by side hustling. We all love something extra. Earlier, You have to go out of your house and work hard in sun for that extra hand of income. 

But Today, after the expansion of Internet, everything got changed. Now, You can make a free hundred, or a thousand or a hundred thousand dollars by just sitting and working in front of your desktop while eating noodles.

So, today I am going to tell you 5 Legit ways to make money online but Warning, these methods are 100% proven and it is not some short time rich quick schemes. It requires hardwork on regular basis, to make this happen. If you are willing to work hard, only then you can proceed otherwise you can leave right now. So, Let’s get started.

     1.     Blogging

 Blogging is one of the renowned and most prominent way to earn money online. In Blogging, you make a blog, which is kind of a portal where you share Information or something. You have to write articles on a particular niche like Tech, gadgets, Education, Sports, Fashion etc. Whatever you like, whatever your passion is. 

The Easier it seems to make money from it, the hard it is in real life. You have to put a lot of hardwork, for years to set up a new blog. The problem with this is, there are more than 2 billion websites or blogs worldwide and thousands of blogs are registered everyday, when the market is wide, the saturation and traffic depends on SEO(Search Engine Optimization) which means only those blogs which have a better traffic and SEO will be on top results in Google Search that’s why it is hard for a new blog to rank.

 The journey seems hard, it is but not impossible . There are many successful Bloggers who went from Zero to Maximum. once set up, You can monetize your Blog with Google Adsense and earn upto 1000 $ a month or even more. Just Remember,
“ Hardwork is the key to success”.

    2.   Youtube

Youtube is an online video streaming platform, which is more popular also as it is the second largest search engine. Now, Youtube has the same scenario, here also, You can post videos for free in any niche but here also the success depends on SEO. If your video has good content and is in under Youtube’s Policies then after some time. Youtube algorithm will automatically starts promoting your video. 

Youtube also need a lot of hardwork and patience to get a success. Talking about money, it depends on many factors like demographics, Geographic Location, CPM (Cost per Mile) and CPC ( Cost Per Click)etc.

Firstly, You have to complete 4000 hours watch time and 1000 subscribes on your channel. Now talking about money, So basically it depends where the Ad is playing, if the Ad is playing in countries like US, UK and Australia, their CPM is very high around 6-8$ which is quite high but talking about India, here CPM and CPC is quite low, which is not even a dollar. The low CPM is also because of low quality of ads.

The revenue and monetized views also depends on geographic locations like if your ad is playing in Delhi, Mumbai etc. You can get  good revenue from it, but If it is playing in some rural area, it will not give you that much or even nothing. For Example – Zomato ad will be played only where Zomato services exist but if your viewers are not from some high class metro cities. You will definitely receive low revenue. Above, I have  talked about Monetized views. So, Ads are not played on every viewer who watches. For Ex – If your views are 1000 but the Ad played only on 300, your monetized views will be 300 only. It depends on various factor like IP switching, geographic locations etc. and after all this, Youtube will charge 45 % of your revenue and the creator gets only 55%. Yes, Youtube is hard but if you give a quality content to viewers, you will definitely grow up and yes here also hardwork is mandatory. You should be consistent and engaging with your Viewers. So, All the best for your Journey.

   3.       Freelancing

Hate a 9-5 job ? So, this is definitely for you. A freelancer is a person who is self employed and is not necessarily committed to a partial or employee long-term.
In freelancing, You should have a Amazing Skillset with good communication skills. Once you got an client, you have to bid for the project and give him a decided time. The good thing about this job is you are a not answerable to anyone. If you are good, People will definitely choose you and give you as much as you want. But here skills is of number one priority.

These are some of the skills which are in demand :

·      User Experience Design
·      Web Development
·      SEO/ Content Writing
·      Video/ Photo Editing
·      Photography
·      Android Developer
·      Animation
·      Graphic Designing
·      Social Media/ Digital Marketing
·      Voice Talent/ Voice Acting

You can start by finding online Jobs on Fiverr and UpWork for free. You have to create a gig, what you are providing and wait for the customer to come. Once he shows interest, convince him. Bid a amount and do the work on a decided time frame. But, first ensure you are good at your skill because this job depends on how good your portfolio is , how good your reviews are. Once Established, You can make $39000 per year or even more.

Don’t worry, I will make a detailed post on the above skills. So, Stay tuned and Keep learning.

   4.       Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or Customer bought by the affiliate’s own marketplace efforts.

Now, I will break it down for you. So basically, a affiliate is kind of commission based marketing where you refer someone a product or Service and if the consumer liked it and purchase it. You will get a certain amount or some percentage of the amount. For Ex- If you sent an affiliate link to someone and he/she purchase the product worth 100 Rs and the affiliate commission on the product is 10% then you will get 10 Rs out of 100 for it. In this way, You can generate a decent income. It works when you have a decent audience whom you can suggest to buy.

For getting started, You can start with Amazon affiliate and Filpkart Associate Program.

  5.      Dropshipping

 This method is on boom nowadays. So, Dropshipping is kind of supply chain Management method in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock but instead transfer the customer order and shipment details to either the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships it directly to customer.

So, Have you heard of Reselling ? This is Reselling at another level. So, In this method , You don’t have to keep an inventory with you but you can sell others goods to customers. For Ex – You live in a small town where the price of a Jeans is 100 Rs. And you got a customer from another town. So, you can contact the customer and tell him/her that the price is 150 Rs., then you go to the Shopkeeper/Manufacturer gives him 100 Rs. or you can even collaborate with him in this and ship the Jeans to customer. So, the profit you make without any efforts is of 50 RS. This, You have to do Online ,Start a store. Get the order and now from some other website/manufacturer ship the order to the customer. Easy ?

You can start dropshipping with store like Shopify but here you will get charged a few dollars but for free you can start with Meesho app, Wooplr, Alibaba etc. Don’t worry, I will get you a step by step guide to it, Just stay with me.

So, these are the methods by which you can generate a decent income or even a hell lot of money but all these methods require patience and hardwork. If you are willing to do it, you will definitely get success. So work hard and Never Give up.


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